
What Is A Conversion Pixel

What is a Conversion Tracking Pixel?

A conversion tracking pixel, or tracking pixel more generally, is a term used to describe a part of JavaScript code that places an invisible 1×1 pixel image on your website. With a Business Manager account on Facebook, you can create up to 100 of these pieces of code. This pixel is usually coded into a  thank you or confirmation page to track the data of a customer who has generated a sale or whatever lead your company has been aiming for. This kind of marketing technique is called conversion tracking.

Keep in mind, a conversion pixel can be installed on any web page of your choice to track your customer's actions as they navigate your site.

This data puts you on the right track to setting up and optimizing your custom conversions. Whether it's going to look at specific other products or following up their purchase by signing up for the newsletter, the conversion tracking pixel will let you know all the relevant data about your lead's behaviors or actions. You can then use that information to tailor your campaigns and custom conversions for remarketing and retargeting, tailoring your campaigns to reach previous conversions .

If you're using these little pixels correctly and implementing that data into your Facebook marketing strategy, your conversion rates should sky-rocket .

What Happened to the Original Conversion Tracking Pixels?

In the second half of 2016, Facebook removed conversion tracking pixels.

What Can I Use to Replace Conversion Tracking Pixels?

The Facebook pixel is the new conversion tracking pixel. It is your new best friend now that conversion tracking pixels were removed. No worries, they function nearly the same.

Shahadat Rahman / Unsplash

How do I Use the Facebook Pixel?

  1. Within your Facebook account, click on the arrow and then click create ads.
  2. Click on ads manager and search for "pixel."
  3. Follow the instructions on your screen to create a pixel, name it, and paste the pixel code into your desired HTML.

What can I do with the Information From the Facebook Pixel?

You can view the following drawing from the data captured from the Facebook pixel:

  1. Standard Events: Facebook's pre-defined common customer turned lead behavior. Think of adding something to your cart, wishlist, or initiating checkout.
  2. Custom Events: If Facebook's pre-defined tracking events aren't up to your standards, you can track your own custom events within your code. This will support you if you're interested in looking into product information such as its name or content ID.
  3. Custom Conversions: This is every business' end goal. It takes the data of a confirmed lead or sale, as described above. You can create them within Events Manager and use Ads Insights to learn the information from your custom conversions. While they support parameters, keep in mind the max amount of custom conversions per ad page is 40.



What Is A Conversion Pixel


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